In the current economy it's okay to find yourself unable to pay all your bills from time to time. There is nothing you can do if you simply do not have enough cash in your bank account to cover them all. There is also nothing worse than not being able to pay your electric or gas bill and worrying about your supply being cut off.
People are not always in a position to approach their bank for an overdraft or a credit card if they have bad credit, because chances are their application will be denied. Even if you didn't have bad credit, the application would take too long to process and that could pose a problem if they needed the money immediately.
The other options would be to approach their friends and family, or their employer for an advance loan on their pay check. This is something that people are reluctant to do because it's embarrassing and exposes their financial situation. The only other option available to them would be to apply for a same day cash loan.