The perfect scenario is this: Your mother-in-law is coming to stay and you need a quick payday loan because your next pay check is still two weeks away! Many people take this kind of loan for a similar reason or when they have unexpected bills to pay. Unfortunately the majority of people taking these loans are in serious financial difficulty and they cannot get financial assistance elsewhere.
The average working class person is finding that with the after effects of the recession they are in dire straits financially now more than ever before. Many have bad credit and many have no form of collateral to secure a loan with a financial institution. Unfortunately this is why payday loans have become so popular over the last couple of years.
Quick payday loans are expensive though should only be taken as a last resort. If you can secure a cheaper loan elsewhere then do not apply for this type of loan. Another alternative would be to ask a family member for a cash advance or request an advance on your salary from your employer.
It's important to note that these loans are short-term and they should be repaid with your next pay check. If at all possible, do not roll the loan over to the following month because this will incur further fees from the lender.