Short-term loan or a payday loan is to be used especially in times of economic trouble to come, and had no other choice, some who use it, because they are convenient, but I use it because I use the service, as always is, am not satisfied is not pleasant to work with the team to understand the situation and inform the customer what they are signing and always know I fell when I do not know where to go.
Credit card accounts, mortgages and current, you will pay for most of my bills are distributed. I also have a budget to serve the food for our table, and unexpected expenses. I once passed a bill suddenly urgent to take credit.
What is not always what you want, I thought, that can not be my payment for the loan I have the ability to repay and pay the bills, but not enough. I knew that I really can not afford the loan later. I avoid conversations and e-mail to me via e-mail for the friendly and fun .