Finding a payday lender can be a somewhat monotonous process, particularly if you have been burned in the past by lenders overly eager to get you to sign on the dotted line but avoiding any and every aspect of what's referred to as customer service. The important thing to remember about payday lending is that your options are completely open - the industry has been somewhat revolutionised in recent years and more and more lenders are now coming to the fray and making the market even more competitive than it has been in the past. This inevitably means more choice for the consumer and more opportunities for finding the best deals on payday advance loans.
The important thing that you need to look for, above all else, is exactly how much the particular payday advance lender is likely to charge you as a result of you being accepted for a cash advance loan. These charges vary between lenders however it's fair to say that you can easily secure a far superior deal by just shopping around a little and being an informed consumer. The typical charge for a payday advance loan is 25% on every £100 borrowed - you should never be in a position of having to pay more than this value when submitting a payday loan application.