The payday loans sector has been thriving in recent years and much of this has to do with recent innovations in how payday loan companies deliver their products to consumers. Prior to the advent of internet lending, the only way to apply and receive a payday advance loan was to approach your local store - this made getting instant access to cash when you need it a bit of an inconvenience. Nowadays however, the majority of the major payday advance lenders have established strong web presences and this allows consumers to apply for, and potentially be accepted for, a payday advance loan in real time.
One of the major advances in the sector was the opportunity to transfer cash instantly to consumers. In days gone by it may have taken upwards of three days for a lending company to transfer the necessary funds into an applicant's bank account - this process has now been streamlined and the majority of major banks now allow lending companies to transfer the cash instantly, or within a timeframe of around two hours, for an additional fee. This has given lenders a lot of opportunity to review and revise their internal structures and make the entire process of applying for a payday advance loan far more seamless than ever before.