A same day loan, as the name suggests, is simply a loan where the lender does not require any security, down payment or collateral - and usually doesn't perform a credit check. Most importantly this type of loan is available almost immediately or at least within a few hours from certain providers. Quite often called "instant payday loans", a same day loan is usually for a small, manageable amount, say, between £80 and £1,000 which is conveniently repayable over a short period of time typically between 1 and 31 days.
With consumer surveys suggesting up to 70% of British consumers must cope with a financial shortfall at the end of each month for a variety of reasons; spiralling household bills, lack of familiarity with managing money, the rapidly rising cost of living which often makes it difficult to keep up shop, many people find that same day loans' ease of use and ready availability from specialist lenders are an indispensable way of making ends meet when those multitude of bills need to be paid.
Same day loans, are simply, an advance on your salary, a payday advance if you will, and are set up in such a way that they can be received on the same day you apply with the money showing as cleared funds in you bank account in as little as 30mins in some cases (leading some people to refer to them as instant payday loans since they arrive so quickly) ready to spend on those essential items we're all faced with or the odd treat we deserve.