It sure is easy to be confused with you are looking for a payday loan. How do you begin to figure out which are the best payday loans to go for. An important factor to consider when searching for this type of loan is this:
Make sure you apply through a broker
Why? Because a broker has a whole network of payday loan providers at their disposal and they have a special business relationship with them and this makes the approval process a lot quicker. A broker will negotiate an interest rate with the best loan provider on your behalf ensuring that you get the best deal.
Why? Because the broker wants repeat business from you. If you get a bad deal from a broker, he knows you will not go back to him when you want another loan. A decent and honest broker will get you the best deal to ensure repeat business from you. You're not going to go back to the same broker if you get ripped off!
The brokers charge a small fee for the service of getting your loan approved with the lenders. This saves you the headache of dealing with the lenders yourself. Unless you are familiar with the practices and application process of the lenders, it's not a viable proposition to bypass the brokers for the best payday loans.